Assignment #1: Glitch Art

Introduction (Thoughts On Glitch Art)

It was very cool and interesting to know that both photo & videos could be played around with to make glitch art. I realized that I always knew what glitch art was but didn't know what it was called. 

How To Glitch Art

Data bending was always a term that I heard occasionally. To see an actual tutorial on how to data bend a picture through text characters gave me a good insight on how this media is manipulated to create a whole interpretation of a body of work.  h

Definitions & Conditionals

What I got from this video was that glitch art is totally intentional. I love when the vlogger explained s how glitch art is an aesthetic and how artists can be really fascinated. Glitch art totally looks nostalgic and makes me feel nostalgic.

The Politix In/Of Glitch

It was really interesting when the vlogger explained how the technology is not what's important here, it's the vision of the producer and using these tools as environments. That statement spoke to me. 

The Practice of Everyday Glitch

The biggest take away from this video is that this practice of digital media, specifically glitch art is really the beginning of learning digital literacy all together. 

How To/Why Make Internet Art

In this video, I walked away from it thinking that one of the most important facts about making internet art is offers a countless opportunities for many artists because the internet is a colossal platform.

Youtube Content ID: what copyright gets wrong

In this video, the main focus is how the cons of copyright get in the way of creative process of many internet artists and the issues of it. 


  1. Strong synthesis here, but in future posts try to expand on your opinions a bit more. The problem with breaking up your writing into each section is that your response lacks a cohesive argument or message. There may be ways to bridge some of your ideas together, and offer more details from the content to support them, if you combine your writing into a single paragraph or two. Great point about Briz's argument that the digital space is more of an environment than separate production platforms, and that this contextualization is informative to digital literacy. I want to hear more of your thoughts on this!


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