This course blog is where we communicate as a group, share responses to assignments, and post our work. You are required to publish posts according to assignments found on Moodle, and are encouraged to share images, make comments, and pose public questions throughout the semester.
It appears that you might be crying? Is everything alright, Jonas? You look...pale. Nice test of a simple brush tool, however this GIF does not conform to the assignment criteria in that we were to experiment with alterations of a photographic image. Feel free to redo this assignment and I would be happy to consider it for credit.
It appears that you might be crying? Is everything alright, Jonas? You look...pale. Nice test of a simple brush tool, however this GIF does not conform to the assignment criteria in that we were to experiment with alterations of a photographic image. Feel free to redo this assignment and I would be happy to consider it for credit.