Exercise 2- also couldn't figure out how to rotate it.



  1. Vibrant image. There's something both wrong and captivating about the abrupt line that the saturated sunset sky makes when it meets more sky. I'm torn as to whether this edge should be hidden and blended, or rather kept sharp, so as to almost trick the eye into seeing the landscape in bands of layers. Either way, there's something intriguing about it, and allowing the silhouetted posts to break its line edge help to situate it into the distance by implying foreground to background. The only area that feels like a bandaid is the pick trees in the foreground that seem to cover up any junction between the foreground and middle. Compositionally, it's the only spot that seems to need more complexity, perhaps a way for the ground on which the trees rest to somehow meet and visually connect the reflective river in the foreground. Nice image overall, just needs to be rotated counterclockwise in either PS or an image viewer like Preview.


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