Exercise 2: Landscape



  1. Looks like you found the layer blend modes! I think the layers, and mode that you chose, work to great effect. It's hard to put my feed down in the reality of each of the images, as they converge in satisfying ways, almost in the way that MC Escher drawings play with perspective and trick the viewer's eye. While the registration (placement) of the two main images aligns in a near-perfect way, I wonder if there were more alterations and inclusions that could have been added to exaggerate the conceptual or symbolic weight of the overall image. The figure in the foreground does not seem to connect in alogical way with the illusion taking place, and the potential symbolism of having clouds break through the perspectival logic and appear "beneath" the stilted structure does not seem to be acknowledged by your creative hand. That said, your instincts are very strong, as the image bounces my eye all around the composition, and the color/tonal range is interesting and healthy.


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