Ad Analysis (sorry it's late)
Hello everyone, for my Ad analysis I had originally chosen a travel Ad but changed my mind on it. I decided to go with a state farm Ad instead that geared toward social justice. Considering everything that is going on in the world today I was intrigued that an insurance company would insert themselves in it. The Ad starts off with a young boy starring up and the phrase "your voice is your power", with this quote is starts the Ad off on a very strong note. You can tell very quickly that this Ad is targeting the social justice audience. They chose a grey scale color- I guess thats how you refer to it? to give it the feel of an older recording, to me it only shows how much history is still in our presence today. Although you can tell which clips are from the social movements from back in the day, I like the fact that they all blend in with each other. Another take away that I got from this Ad that I did not realize until after rewatching it, is why State Farm may have wanted to make an advertisement like this. One, being the most obvious is that they want to support the movement and let our communities know that "like a good neighbor State Farm is there". The second one being that they are a well known insurance company, who cover business liability. With the justice movements came riots, with riots a lot of businesses, homes, and properties were destroyed. What better opportunity to target the two most affected audiences in one Ad. Throughout the video they emphasize how important it is to use your voice, and how powerful it could be if everyone used it together. I took that as them encouraging peaceful protesting. The timeline of this video is also intriguing, as I mentioned before they jump back and forth from recent protests to ones that happened years ago. It shows that things have not changed. Overall I enjoyed the Ad, I like the way that State Farm gave this social movement a platform without plastering their name all over it.
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