Final Project - Outline

 For my final project, I’m going to use a combination of original still images and videos, accompanied by a few different distorted sound effect clips. My goal is to combine all of these elements to create an atmospheric experience that focuses particularly on light and different sources of light. My still images and video clips will be shot using both my digital camera, and my cellphone. My sound files will be a combination of recordings that I take, as well as a few effects from the internet. I’m primarily using Premiere to edit together all of these different elements, but I’m also going to be using Photoshop to edit my still images, as well as glitching some of them using the Notepad method we learned in the beginning of the semester. For the sound clips, I’ll primarily be using GarageBand to edit them. In terms of the Transformation prompt, I’m going to be focusing on the transformative effect light has on different spaces and beings. I want to create something that feels cohesive, but I want to focus more on the mood of the piece than any sort of story.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing how this has progressed. There's so much that you can do with layering and compositing in Premiere, much of which we have not explored. Try to take a small bite out of the technical side, but focus on the structural variables for a piece like this—how should it progress and why? Does the piece start out somewhat static and calm, but ramp to become more jarring and messy as it evolves? Tonal, formal, and juxtapositional (particularly with sound) choices go a long way to tell their own story, versus more representational and linear narrative structures (feeling over storytelling; embodiment over about).


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