Ad Analysis
For the ad analysis project I chose the American express advertisement. In this ad I paid attention to the decisions that were made and the overall intended audience and message. The ad opens up with some simple one shots of an restaurants/bars and right away is some kind of emptiness to them. There are no people in these shots, making these business look deserted. The mood feels light and nice as melodic piano music plays. Next a title card pops up with image in the background being the inside of a sports bar, the text reads, "Game day used to look different... Next we get a window shot of a woman who is organizing take-out orders with a sign on the window that reads open for takeout", she is wearing a face mask. This is obviously tells the viewer that this ad centers around the coronavirus pandemic. Another still shot of a building that has a bar in it with a text card which reads "and sounds different. we then see another sports bar worker, wearing a mask taking a fo...